In Studio

Flexible pricing for every journey. Explore our membership options and unlock unlimited access to a variety of classes tailored to your needs.

Single Class In Studio

$ 30

+ 24hr Ondemand

Harmony Yoga Gift Cards

We are happy to offer Harmony Yoga to our valued students and friends for their business functions, receptions, celebrations, parties or special events.

Monthly Membership

Cancel Anytime with 30 days notice. Valid for In Studio, Livestream and Ondemand classes.

$ 155/M

Month, Auto Renews, every month.

10 Class Pack

Valid for In Studio and Livestream classes

Monthly Membership
8x month

8 sessions per month Auto Renews, every month. Cancel Anytime with 30 days notice. Valid for In Studio, Livestream and Ondemand classes.

$ 135/M

Month, Auto Renews, every month.

20 Class Pack

Valid for In Studio and  Livestream classes 

1 Month Unlimited

Valid for In Studio, Livestream and Ondemand classes

1 Month Unlimited

$ 185

Yearly Unlimited

Valid for In Studio, Livestream and Ondemand classes

$ 1,555